The Part 10/11 Story
CourseThe path for renovating and changing the use of existing buildings differs from that of new. Join presenter Gerald Moore in this pre-recorded webinar discussing how to apply the change of use and renovation requirements in the Ontario Building Code.
Cannabis Facilities
CourseBuildings used for growing and processing cannabis have unique hazards that must be considered. Join presenter Gerald Moore in this pre-recorded webinar discussing the requirements for cannabis facilities in the Ontario Building Code.
CourseMezzanines have unique requirements in the building code, ranging from egress, to fire separations, and more. Join presenter Gerald Moore in this pre-recorded webinar discussing mezzanine requirements in the Ontario Building Code.
Flammable and Combustible Liquids
CourseCertain substances pose additional fire and explosion risks that must be considered in building design. Join presenter Gerald Moore in this pre-recorded webinar discussing flammable and combustible liquids in the Ontario Building Code.
Fire Stopping
CourseWhere fire separations meet or are penetrated, their integrity must be maintained with an appropriate firestopping system. Join presenter Gerald Moore in this pre-recorded webinar discussing fire stopping in the Ontario Building Code.
Fire Separations
CourseA variety of materials come together to separate areas in buildings to prevent the spread of fire. Join presenter Gerald Moore in this pre-recorded webinar discussing the requirements for fire separations in the Ontario Building Code.